Purpose Driven Expertise and Exceptional Service

True North Business Services provides risk management and insurance solutions to main street and mid-sized businesses so that they can continue to grow and enrich the lives of their stakeholders and communities. We are a service partner that values relationships, community impact and others’ success over enriching themselves. That is servant leadership.  

Business Insurance

As a successful business, you plan for the future and adapt as circumstances change your course.  We help you navigate the path forward, by taking a purpose driven approach to how you view, analyze and purchase insurance. We help you to focus on what really matters.

Employee Benefits

Drawing on our experience with running businesses, we develop comprehensive benefit programs that help recruit and retain employees, manage rising health care costs, enhance benefit communications with the latest technology and align strategies to support your business goals.

Life Insurance for Loans

When you’re applying for financing like an SBA loan, you may need a life insurance policy before your loan can close. Many small business owners are surprised when this requirement comes up, and it can potentially delay your loan application if you’re not ready for it, but it’s an important part of the SBA lending process. Explore why you’ll need life insurance for SBA loans, what you’ll need to do to meet the requirement and shop multiple options.

What does it mean to be “purpose driven”?

We believe business represents the greatest platform for impact and change. Unlike one-time contributions or social programs, a healthy, thriving business has a unique opportunity to create positive, sustainable contributions to our communities, locally and around the world. 

At True North Business Services our desire is to leverage our success in the marketplace to do just that — to serve others and give back. We believe we are blessed to be a blessing and that with success comes responsibility. These beliefs drive us every day to deliver a great client experience, continue investing in innovation, and improve as a team.

When you work with us, you are partners with us in creating a positive impact on society. You are creating a legacy that far exceeds anything read on a balance sheet or income statement. This is what it means to be purpose driven.